Monday 25 February 2013

Slogans- Marketing Podcast


Slogans are one of the many ways someone can convince you to buy a product or service. A clever slogan can get you attention, but the slogan has to have the right sentiment with the audience. Professionals make these one line sayings that can be worth millions to a business. Slogans don't appear overnight they need time to grow and build to become great. A slogan can be the linchpin for a brand or a campaign. The audience may just think a slogan is a catchy line or a jingle but it is way more complex being carefully worded and able to distinguish from others. Customers are receiving thousands of messages a day so you have one line to tell somebody about your product to try and get there attention. Because of the millions of messages a day slogans have become almost powerless and therefore not used as much.

famous slogans:

To the average consumer a slogan can keep the brand on their mind, and stuck in their head. To a business a slogan is an internal problem where they have to work hard to accomplish the goals. But to the consumer slogans are external promises that they just accept.